Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Protest: Lower Down the Oil Price!!!

Early in the morning they are rushing in bring all their family members dressing in red T-shirt, preparing for their "Protes" ... the demonstration is transforming once silent and peaceful Kelana Jaya into a noisy and merry place... SCARY!!! Wondering how did I manage to take these pictures? It is because I live here!!!! Pictures speak a thousand words:
You can see how jam is the traffic condition

They are parking their cars at the curb, at the parking lot, at the road side, at the junction, they are every way!!!

Red T-shirts, Red umbrella, i guess they are showing their anger through the colour... Nevertheless, the hawkers are grabbing this opportunity to do their business while participating in the demonstration. Hawker stalls are all around selling expensive foods, drinks, CD of the leaders' speech, bags, anything you can think of...

Sorry, we are just going through, excuse... excuse...

Traffic jam again after the activities, this is what you see... And angry drivers honking, shouting and beeping, the parties in-charged maintaining the sequence of the traffic whistling... This is what I called 'noisy pollution'!!!!

The result from the protest: rubbish flooding the place, causing inconvenience to the residents there, noisy pollution, but the oil price doesn't decrease... ... How sad...

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